Case Study – A new education centric Intranet

Case Study – A new education centric Intranet

Revitalising the Intranet for Cairns Catholic Education Introduction Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns had an intranet system for internal communications and to provide staff with easy access to information and resources. However, the intranet infrastructure...
Case Study – Replacing a legacy system

Case Study – Replacing a legacy system

Transforming QLeave’s Long Service Leave system with Microsoft Dynamics 365  Introduction QLeave provides long service leave to workers in Queensland’s building and construction, contract cleaning and community services industries. The schemes are...
Azure AD Graph API deprecation is imminent

Azure AD Graph API deprecation is imminent

Azure AD Graph API deprecation is imminent Jamie Mack Director – Technology | Inviga | Software Development and Implementation for Integrated Business Solutions Published: August 19, 2022 Connect Are you ready?? Microsoft announced in 2021 that it would...
Why we started Inviga

Why we started Inviga

Why we started Inviga How we started In 2016 Craig Paterson and I left our corporate jobs to start Conduit Associates, armed only with a vision to solve what we saw as one of the major problems within the IT industry – the high failure rate of software delivery...